Modern Rubber Halwa

rubberhalwaI first had this at Modern in Bombay, and it was soo soo soo good. So good.

If you like things that are chewy and sweet, you will love this! (This is very similar IMHO to Chi Chi Dango Hawaiian mochi, and less chewy than most types of other traditional mochi). I think it is also similar to Turkish Delight.

Recipe adapted from Yummy Tummy.

Preparation Time : 2 mins
Cooking Time : 15 to 20 mins
Makes : 12 pieces

Dish: 3 cup pyrex (the smallest size from this set)


Sugar – 1 cup
Boiling water – 1 cup

Cornstarch – 1/2 cup
Cold water – 1/2 cup

Ghee – 3 tbsp
Cardamom Powder – 1/2 tsp
Pistachios, whole – 1/4 c (I use WOW)
Green Food Coloring – 2-3 drops
Khus extract – 1/4 tsp


  1. Take a medium to large sized heavy bottom NONSTICK pan and add in sugar and 1 cup of boiling water. Mix well and heat till the sugar is melted.
  2. In a separate bowl, add 1/2 c cold water. Slowly, spoonful by spoonful (or better yet, with a flour sifter), add cornflour. Make sure there are NO LUMPS. [I used a Cuisinart hand blender to get rid of my lumps].  Add the green food color and mix well.
  3. Add the cornflour mixture to the sugar water mixture. Mix well. [I used the Cuisinart hand blender to integrate the two mixtures].
  4. Now put this mixture on high heat and keep whisking till it is thick, glossy and jelly like.
  5. Add 1 tbsp ghee. Keep mixing.  (It’s a LOT of mixing).
  6. Add 1 tbsp ghee. Keep mixing.  (Keep going, recruit others to help mix).
  7. You can tell it is getting done when the green mixture stops sticking to the side. At that point, add pistachios and cardamom powder and mix well.
  8. The halwa will look thick and glossy, shiny, almost laminated. Then it is done.
  9. At this point pour this into the greased pyrex lined with greased parchment paper overhanging the pyrex pan (lay it down in a cross shape; you should be able to lift and remove the halwa from the pan when it is done easily) and refrigerate for 1 to 2 hours.
  10. Once it is set, invert it to a cutting board and cut it into slices.
  11. Enjoy!


  1. Red rubber halwa: instead of khus, use rose extract; instead of pistachios, use chopped blanched almonds; instead of green food color, use red; instead of cardamom, use a pinch of saffron.
  2. Yellow rubber halwa: instead of khus, use lemon extract; instead of pistachios, use halved cashews; instead of green food color, use yellow; instead of or in addition to cardamom, use a pinch of saffron.
  3. Orange rubber halwa; instead of khus, use orange blossom extract; instead of pistachios, use halved cashews; instead of green food color, use a drop or red and a drop of yellow; instead of (or in addition to) cardamom, use a pinch of saffron.

NOTE: Remember when purchasing extracts to make sure they are for COOKING!!! They do sell extracts which are topical or medicinal or perfumes. DO NOT USE THOSE!!!!! I’ve seen little bottles of different flavored extracts at just about every Indian grocery store I’ve been to for a few dollars. I have not seen these extracts online. If you can’t find the fancy extracts, never fear, use lemon or orange extract, the recipe will still taste good. 🙂

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